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Supporting Youth Impacted by Addiction in the Family

This training is aimed towards anyone working with youth and young adults; prior knowledge is not required.

September 16, 2024



The following CEUs are available for this training: CADC, LADC, LMHC, RN, & SW

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This training explores the impact of adult substance use disorders on children, teens, and young adults in the family, and ways to engage and support families affected by multi-generational substance use issues. Best practices to support youth impacted by parental substance use when caregivers have not yet committed to recovery, as well as ways to work with parents/caregivers who are in active recovery, will be explored. Resources to support both youth impacted by parental substance use disorders and resources to support parents/caregivers in need of treatment and recovery will be discussed.

At the end of this training participants will be able to:
  • Identify the challenges faced by young people impacted by parental/caregiver substance use disorders.
  • Understand best practices for engaging and supporting children, youth, and young adults impacted by addition in the family.
  • Identify best practices for engaging parents/caregivers with substance use disorders in treatment and family recovery.
  • Make referrals for resources at the local, state, and national levels to support children, teens, and young adults impacted by addiction.


Jordana Willers, Ed.M.
Youth & Young Adult Training Coordinator