Leadership at IHR
Executive Leadership
Valerie Gold
Executive Director
Annegret Klaua, MSc
Assistant Director
Board of Directors
Gloretta Baynes Cook
Director, African-American Master Artists-in-Residency Program, Northeastern University
Eliot Gelwan, MD
Mark Gottlieb, JD (President)
Executive Director, Public Health Advocacy Institute, Northeastern University School of Law
Denise Pixley, MEd (Vice President)
Assistant Program Director, MOAR (Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery)
Ryan Ribeiro-Rodriguez
Chief Operations Officer, North Shore Community Health
Nancy Ryan, PhD (Treasurer)
Retired, previously Director, Cambridge Commission on the Status of Women
John Tocci, Esq. (Clerk)
Tocci, Goss & Lee, P.C.
Directors Emeriti
Yvette Benton-Hill
Retired, formerly Director of Family Residential Treatment Access, IHR
Cassandra Clay, LICSW
Retired, Boston University School of Social Work
June Cooper, MDiv, MSP
Retired, previously Executive Director, City Mission Society of Boston
Norma Finkelstein, PhD
Founder and Advisor, Institute for Health & Recovery